Friday, October 7, 2016


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They re changed daily
It is rather sad but it is an apt description of some…I do not name a number or a percentage.
Half read books, half mowed lawns, half painted fences or houses or…, half finished projects, half lived lives.
And yes…To drift is to go but never glow. They are not Sunny Dawsey…and who was Sunny Dawsey.

He was a man I met almost 50 years ago but have never forgotten. I drove by where he used to live the other day and it was like it was almost yesterday when he spoke to the people of my church and inspired them in a way few people could.

You see, Sunny began to be affected by severe arthritis at the age of 7. By the time he was in his teens he was in a wheel chair. By the time I met him and had him come to my church to speak more than once he was completely paralyzed in an S position from the chin down.

Over and over again he would expand on the basic theme by which he lived, “I know God could make me completely well if he wanted to, but I figure this is God’s way of letting me help people, and if this is the way he wants it, it’s alright with me.”

He had little boy dreams and older boy dreams and then a nightmare came to visit. He could have given up and left all his dreams half done or undone…but that was not Sunny.

And yes it does say something to us…shouts it really…give our all to whatever it is we start and finish it right and let right govern our deeds …otherwise we choose to live in a world of “halfies” which is what I call unfinished depressing and defeating and a terrible waste of time and opportunity.,

If anyone had a reason to give up…it was Sunny…but he was determined to give his all…even so much of his all…was gone.

Like all of us he dreamed he would make his impact on life…and he made his impact on life…because he gave all of everything he had left.


began on his other blog “Wyrick’s Writings”,

and it will continue weekly until finished.

Then a new Series on PRAYER will begin..

To read these and a variety of topics


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