Friday, September 9, 2016


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He was a businessman and he was in a hurry. He raced through the Louvre in Paris at a pace that made almost a blur of everything he was seeing.

As he exited the museum he said to a guard, “Not a picture in there worth seeing.”

The guards reply was a classic, “The pictures are no longer on trial…but the spectators are.”

Every day the sensitivity of your soul is on trial…certainly not God.

Every day, if you do not rush by the truth of God you come closer to the presence of God. How? By prayer being number one in your life’s goals and follow through because as Shakespeare once wrote, “Don’t you know that the water which comes down as rain must have first gone up as mist>.”

A great preacher John Redhead once wrote, “The trouble with some good people is that their faith is intellectually valid, but has not yet become emotionally vivid.”

Man is an interesting paradox of intelligence and stupidity. He will shine his shoes, comb his hair, shave his face, seek in everyway he can to look neat and civilized.

Then he will clutter his mind with dirt and let his soul go to pot.

He will be sure he looks respectable on the outside while inside he may be a tramp and it doesn’t bother some people enough to do anything about it.

And it doesn’t have to be this way.


“He who is of God hears God's words;” (John 8:47)

To view an abundance of unusual stories & unique comments by Neil Wyrick go to his other blog ONE A DAY, YOUR SPIRITUAL VITAMINS

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