Tuesday, July 28, 2015


These One A Days are added to daily.
       There are over 900 stories and commentaries on this blog. It is added to daily.
Click on http://wyrickswritings.blogspot.com to read selected Sermons from over 50 years of Rev. Wyrick's ministry.
       "Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work."(Oswald Chambers)
       A priest, a minister and a guru sat discussing the best positions for prayer, while a telephone repairman worked nearby. “Kneeling is definitely the best way to pray,” the priest said. “No,” said the minister. “I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven.” “You’re both wrong,” the guru said. “The most effective prayer position is lying down on the floor.” The repairman could contain himself no longer. “Hey, fellas,” he interrupted. “The best prayin’ I ever did was when I was hangin’ upside down from a telephone pole.” 
       When a personal need is real and not a philosophical discussion...that is when we began to understand what it all about.
       Prayer is an attitude...simple straight forward...by way of example...these children prayers make the point..
       Dear God …Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones why don’t you just keep the ones you got now?
       I went to this wedding and they kissed right in church. Is that ok?
       In bible times did they really talk that fancy?
       We read Thomas Edison made light but in Sunday School they said you did it. So I bet he stoled your idea.
       I bet it is very hard for you to love all of everybody in the whole world. 
       There are only 4 people in our family and I can never do it.
       Please send Dennis Clark to a different camp this year.
       I think about you sometimes even when I’m not praying.
       As some of you read these prayers you laughed but also some of your probably also wept...for the finding again of such a simple straight forward prayer.
       Prayer is not talking about God...it is talking to God...prayer is not a beauty contest...if there is a stumbling rather than a beautiful flow of words in a prayer it is of little matter...for a tongue tied soul if certainly better than a silent one.
       I know that sometimes I initiate my prayers and sometimes they seem to come to me...and that a gift.
       It isn't required that I pray at the same times every day but if I do not have an inner timer set to some degree I know it is possible I will regress toward little or no prayer at all.  

When I have prayed I want to feel as if I just prayed.  Sometimes I am more overhwelmed by what I just prayed  than at other times...but always I am overwhelmed by the fact that I have just talked with and been listened to by Almighty God.

             Do I read other prayers besides my own?  Of course.  Indeed, prayer partner that you are, for how many times have we indeed prayed at the same window of time moment...and if not your prayer did I read I read the prayer of some preacher or laymen who wrote it down and shared it on a blog or in a newsletter or I heard it out loud from a pulpit...and oh how that shared prayer benefited us both...oh..how it did indeed.
       Is it necessary that I pray on my knees?  And I reply when asked the question, "Not necessary but beneficial."  I call petalla persuasion...and yes it is a humble position...and most of us don't have enough of that.
       I have no doubt that you have some wisdom you could apply to these thoughts and God bless you for having it...the wisdom of experience...and bless the relationship you have and continue to improve on with God of yours and mine.
       "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of."
Alfred Lord Tennyson
       "Prayer requires more of the heart than the tongue."
Adam Clarke
       "The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, buy unoffered prayer."
F.B. Meyer
       "Seven days without prayer makes one weak."
Allen Vartlett
(These are selected sermons from over 50 years of ministry and as a worldwide evangelist have been preached all over the world)

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