Tuesday, February 21, 2017

FROM DREAMS TO DEEDS…never let your hopes shrivel and die.

They had built their tents upon the land that surrounded Rome. They were the Gauls and they would win over Rome. But all the time…in Rome…they were buying and selling the land the Gauls were encamped upon.

And the final victor was Rome…for they never let hope die.

Part of a poem from the Sanscrit reads, “….today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”

“It can’t be done,” laments a man; and buries his dreams, forgets the power of his God, lets his talents go to waste and his life go to nothing.
And yet another person says, “Maybe it can’t be done, but I’ll never know without trying.”
And so by faith and hope Nobel prize winner, Jane Adams, began Hull House in Chicago, and Albert Schweitzer moved into the wilderness of Africa, and a person in reading this says “I can change” and is changing as they say it.
What is hope?

It is a thirsty land crying out for rain,
A candle in the act of being kindled,
A drop of water in quest of an ocean;
A voice in the night calling for help,
A soul standing in awe before the mystery of the universe.
It is time flowing into eternity,A man climbing the altar stairs to God.
- Dwight Bradley

What is hope? It is man’s best looking for a place to happen. It is anyone who prays the kind of prayers that causes he or she to become excited by elevated thoughts.

A quote below from tomorrow's ONE A DAY blog entitled GO GROW AND GLOW

“Spiritual bonsai.” The Lord is not out to stunt our growth. He’s got better things to do. He didn’t hang on a cross to save us from our sins, so that he could then help us think up more ways to have more sins to save us from.

TO VISIT Neil’s other blog WYRICK’S WRITING (A variety of serializations; a novel on Sunday and Tuesday and Thursday varying subjects) (3 times a week added to)


TO WATCH WYRICK IN HIS ONE MAN DRAMAS (Presented to millions all around the world) (Ben Franklin, Martin Luther, Charles Wesley and Abraham Lincoln (this Lincoln film takes 11 seconds to download but is worth the wait)



V. Neil Wyrick’s ninth book is THE SPIRITUAL ABRAHAM LINCOLN and is now available on amazon.com at some rather good discount prices (Also, available for your Kindle)


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