Thursday, September 10, 2009


(These One A Days are added to each day)

Once upon a time there was rich American and a poor little Mexican fisherman. One day they met and began to talk. The rich American was impressed with the quantity of fish the poor little Mexican had caught. “How long did it take you?” he asked.
“Not long,” came back the reply, “I have figured out a way to catch a great many fish in a very short time.”

The American became very excited. Dollar signs began to dance in front of his eyes. Here was an opportunity and he was not about to pass it by. But he was subtle so his first question was innocuous. “What do you do with the rest of your time?”

“Oh, I don’t rush to get up in the morning,” came back the reply. “I fish a little. I play with my children. I take a siesta with my wife each afternoon. I stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. It is a good life, senor.”

The wealthy American could keep quiet no longer. He interrupted, “Don’t you realize that if you worked harder you could have more. Maybe even be rich. I like you and I am willing to help you so you can buy a bigger boat. And then a fleet. And then become incorporated and employ other fishermen. Eventually, you might even own an international corporation and earn enough money to retire when still quite young.”

With a strange smile on his face the poor little Mexican looked at the rich American and asked a simple question, “What then, senor?”

“Why then, “ came back the enthusiastic reply, “You could move to a small coastal fishing village where you wouldn’t have to rush to get up in the morning, you could fish a little, play with your grandkids, take siestas with your wife every afternoon, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos……

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