Wednesday, September 9, 2009


(These One A Days are added to each day)

Martin Tours was a very tired Roman soldier. They had been marching for what seemed like forever. As they trudged through a town a beggar on the side of the road began to beg for money. Martin had no money, but he was wearing an old tattered woolen cloak. Somehow he knew what he must do. So he took that cloak and with mighty strength tore it in two. He then wrapped it around the shoulders of the shivering beggar and went on his way.

That night when he went to sleep he had a great dream. In his dream he was surrounded by angels and a vision of heaven itself. Then, in the midst of all the angels, he saw Jesus—wearing an old tattered woolen cloak. An angel standing near Jesus turned to him and asked, “Why are you wearing that old tattered piece of wool?” “Oh,” replied Jesus, “My friend Martin gave it to me.”

Would you have peace? Then eliminate greed. Renounce this ongoing sickness that refuses to let you be satisfied. There is no way self indulgence and decent relationships can live together because greed always forces you to think of self first and others a distant second.

“Whoever digs a pit will fall into it..” reads Ecclesiastes 10:8. And that is what greed is. A deep, dark, hopeless pit that leads you to believe that bad is good because it pays so well.

In this pit, how to lie is taught and how it can speed the profit process sometimes. In this pit, contempt is taught so you cannot feel compassion and still practice greed the way it ought to be practiced. In this pit, you learn that nothing is as important as getting what you want, neither family, nor friends.

Greed is a sin, but in this pit you learn to think of it as a salvation. In this pit, you learn to be a fool and not recognize it.

Ever hear the phrase, “You are like the company you keep?” Well, in Corinthians 6:10 greedy people are lumped together with thieves and drunkards.

Paul speaks of greed in the same breath as wickedness, depravity and murder. (Romans 1:29) That’s certainly not much of a recommendation.

Paul also calls it idolatry. Wow! (Colossians 3:5)

So, yes, it can be said…Bible wise…that greed doesn’t come with any recommendation….no recommendation at all.

Have you visited my “Life Is Not What It Is But What You Make It” site. Go to Google and where it says “Google Search” type in “Wyrick’s Writings”

And hopefully you will make visiting this site a daily habit.

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