Thursday, September 3, 2009


(These One A Days are added to each day)

Helen Keller was deaf, dumb and blind, but she didn’t spend her life sitting alone in dark, doltish, dingy silence feeling sorry for herself. Did not burden herself by grieving for a life that might have been.

Rather she got up every morning and went out. Went out to where the birds were singing, and people were talking and the world was living, all of which she could neither hear nor see. Went out to pour the sweet perfume of noble thoughts on others and feel some of it splashing back upon herself.

Don’t misunderstand me, she wasn’t born with this wonderful attitude. In her youth she would literally flail at family and teachers, making loud almost animal-like sounds of frustration.

She was daily angry and allowed herself to be filled with hopelessness. Then one day, her teacher got through to her that there is more than one kind of blindness.

That, yes, there is physical blindness that cannot see light, but there is also spiritual, emotional blindness that will not search for light.

And so she decided to make the most of life and not the least, to look for the best and not the worst. She decided not to daily grieve over her misfortune, but instead deal with it with a multitude of positive actions minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day until she had lived out a lifetime of service.

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9

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Have you visited my “Life Is Not What It Is But What You Make It” site. Go to Google and where it says “Google Search” type in “Wyrick’s Writings”

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