Saturday, August 29, 2009


(A New One A Day is added each day)

Over one hundred years ago, in a small country that shall remain unnamed because neither name nor place is necessary to the story, the leaders decided to relax the qualifications of its Ambassador Corps. Usually the openings were reserved for the powerful, the rich and the famous.

A young woman, learning of this opportunity, spent every minute that she could for two years studying the requirements. As much as possible she became an expert on history, world religions, economics and public health.

She lived far away from the big city where she would be tested to see if she could prove her worth, but her dream was bigger than the mileage, so she persevered. As the day approached she grew more and more excited and then it happened.

A great snow storm came and covered the land with several feet of snow. She had no other means of transportation than her feet, but she would not be deterred.

Therefore, she left far earlier than she otherwise would have and slowly began to cover the grueling distance. The exam was to be held at 7 AM. She arrived at the examiner’s office at 5:30 AM. No one was present to open the door until 6:30 so she simply waited in the cold.

Finally inside, the clock chimed 7 times but no one came to give her the test. Eight o’clock passed and nine and still she sat. She could hear papers being shuffled in the background. She coughed several times to make sure they were aware that she was there but no one came.

Finally, at 9:30 AM the Foreign Service Officer walked out and invited her back to his desk. Without any small talk he went straight to the first question. “What is the sum of 10 plus 1.” She quietly replied, “Eleven.” He then closed the question book, looked her in the eyes and said, “You passed.”

She could not believe her ears. “I did?” she replied. “Oh yes,” he responded and then went on to explain.

“You see, first we tested you on perseverance. You had to wait for two long years, and then when the snow storm came, many obviously gave up for you were the only one who showed up. You already passed the test for promptness for we were well aware you arrived 1½ hours ahead of time.

Then we tested you on patience. We made you stand outside for an hour and then delayed your testing for 2½ hours and you did not get upset. Finally, we tested you on humility.

We know you have been studying all these months on the subjects you were told you would have to have knowledge of. And then, when we asked you a question even a little child could have answered, you did not respond with too much pride or indignation.

We believe you will be a very good ambassador for our country because you passed all four requirements - perseverance, promptness, patience and humility with flying colors.

Could you have passed?

“And let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

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