Thursday, November 7, 2013


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They re changed daily.


Someone once wrote, “God has no grandchildren.”

And that is what being a Christian is all about. Each new generation raising up children of God all over again.

Christianity always just one generation away from becoming extinct.

Challenging you and me to not be ashamed of our faith to such a degree that the next generation will have no faith to be ashamed of.

How does the Psalmist put it, “Who rises up for me? Who stands up for me?” .
(Psalm 94 16)

I follow these comments with two stories and yes they are longer than usual but please stay with them…for the second story is what is called a wrap up and well…it all ties in with what I have written above.

Once upon a time on the side of a road there stood a man with a large birdcage.
A little boy walking by stopped and asked, “Where did you get those birds?”
“Oh, all over the place,” replied the man.

I lure them with crumbs. I pretend I am their friend and then when they are close, I net them and shove them into my cage. “The little boy saw the meanness in the man’s face so he began to cry and asked, “And what are you going to do with them?”

The man enjoyed the little boy’s misery. It is what he had been trying to provoke.

“Oh, I am going to poke them with sticks and get them so mad at each other they will poke out each others eyes and maim each other and many will be killed.”

The little boy stopped crying and reaching into his pocket began to pull out nickels and dimes and some crumbled dollar bills.

It was every cent he had.
It was money to buy a new bike.
To do what he was about to do was a great sacrifice.

“I will buy your birds.

The man hid a smile that had started to grow on his face.

“And how much do you have?”

“$22.47 cents. It is all I have. I was saving it to buy a bike.”

“It just happens to be the sale price for these birds plus that new jacket you are wearing and that baseball glove your are carrying.”

The little boy never hesitated.

All of the money dropped into the man’s hand.

The glove also and the jacket. And the, well, by now…of course…you have guessed what happened next…he opened the birdcage door and let the birds fly free.

And, certainly, if one once upon a time story is good…then two must certainly be better.

Once upon a time…on the side of the road of life stood Satan…and he smelled of the stench of hell…and his smile was diabolical...and by his side was a very very large cage filled with people of every kind you can imagine…old people and young people, well people and sick people, of every race and every nation.

And along came a man who seeing the cage filled with men and women filled with such misery he asked, “Where did you get those people?”
“Oh, from all over the world,” the Devil replied, “I lured them with drink, drugs, lust, lies, anger, hate, greed and all of like kin and kind. I pretended to be their friend. And then as soon as I got my chance I grabbed them and put them in my cage.”

“And what are you going to do with them now?” asked the man.

Satan began to laugh. He laughed so hard that for a little while he could not even speak.
Finally he answered, “Those who do not destroy themselves I will destroy. None will escape me.”

“Can I buy them from you?” asked the man.

Satan snarled, “yes, but it will cost you your life.
So Jesus Christ, the Son of God, paid for their release from Satan’s trap, with His own life, on a thirty pound cypress cross at Calvary.
And he opened the door and set them free.


Colossians 1:13-14.
”For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”


Quotes from tomorrow’s blog entitled CREATIVE IS BETTER THAN CANTANKEROUS

Each family member had to ask the question? Am I part of a solution or part of the problem? Am I willing to be honest with myself in answering this question? Am I willing to do my part and even a little extra if another family member is holding back?

They didn’t reach where they are now without a lot of stumbling, two steps forwards and one step backwards…but oh what they have achieved.


began on MY other blog “Wyrick’s Writings”

and will continued until finished.

A new Series on PRAYER will begin when this series ends

To read these and a variety of topics



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