Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Being a parent takes the patience of Job, the wisdom of Solomon and enough common sense to help make sense more often than nonsense.

I am now 82 and have all these years of parenting through grand parenting experience plus years of pastoral counseling.  It couldn't help but teach me some lessons.   

Children must be taught. They don't pick up good habits or good manners by osmosis and certainly not from their peers. As some adults today whohave to attend seminars tolearn what they weren't taught as children.


1. At an early age teach your chuildren to cover their mouths when coughing.

2.  Tantrums should not be allowed.  Easier said than done, I know, but if you dn't nip such behavior in the bud when theyh are young it will only become a bouquet of stinkweeds.

3.  Explain that you are willing to listen to words, but screams only bring banishment from polite society until they are over.  Think your little ones are too oung to handle suctalk? It's amazing howw soon younguns begin to understnad.  Be sure you don't match their actions with your own tantrums.

4.  Table manners are just as imortant at home as they are at a restaurant. In fact, don't expect them anwhere if you haven't enforced them at home.  Don't be fraid to send your child away from the table.  A few missed meals won't be disastrous to his/her healthand will usally get your point across.

5 One of the fascinating gadgets that kids can't wait to useit eh telphone.  However, it's not a toy and how to use it should be learned before handling be allowed. Does "Good Morning, this is the Jones residence" , 'Julie speaking' does it sound artificial to you?  It's certainly better better than "Who's this? (often spoken too loudly" or "Yeah." It also reflects ont their upgringing...YOU. 

6. Loud and unruly behavior in stores, movies, etc.are verboten!  Ever hear a parent say (when the child can hear) "I never dispoine her/him in public."  this is like "Open Sesame" to any kid.  You don't ave to spank or create a scene...taking the msbehaving child quickly out of the movies...or nomoe sopping for the day...sends a very strong message.  A few times of sticking toour guns and not giving in will work wornds.

7.  "Please.  Thank you."  Ah, sweet music to everyone's ears.  Once again when taught young it's easier. You have to be consistently ersitent or it'sin one ear and ot the other.

Of course, these are't the only problem areas children have.  It isn't easy learning how to grow up to be responsible adutls.  And yes, the best training tool is "Monkeh see, monekey do." So that's right whataret theyseeing you do and hearing you say and watching you react witn family, friends and strangers.

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