Tuesday, January 1, 2013


These One A Days are added to daily.  There are over 1100 stories and commentaries on this blog began Nov. 24, 2009.  It is added to daily.



              Click on http://wyrickswritings.blogspot.com to read selected Sermons from over 50 years of Rev. Wyrick's ministry. (STARTING NOV 1 "HOW MUCH DOES A PRAYER WEIGH)  Below...other recent Sermon Titles

       To view Rev. Wyrick in 4 of his highly acclaimed One Man Dramas  ABRAHAM LINCOLN, BEN FRANKLIN CHARLES WESLEY, MARTIN LUTHER (NBC Special) click on the link below


        Below the thoughts below read a quote from Rev. Wyrick's applauded 9th book THE SPIRITUAL ARAHAM LINCOLN

Proverbs 25:28
He that hath no rule of his own spirit is like a city whose walls are broken down.
How would you like to have lived centuries ago in a small village whose walls were broken down?  The enemy was coming and all you had to offer for protection was a sign that read, “We are currently taking bids on how much it will cost to repair these walls.”  Wouldn’t have felt terribly safe, would you?  Protected by a wannabe.  Protected by a future improvement program. 
Well, the scripture for these thoughts is a beautifully rendered description of what a lack of self control is.   “Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man (or woman) who lacks self-control.” NIV 
On the calendar, this is a new year spread before us...and it is all about control...controlling our lives or letting other people and public opinion control our lives.
       It may be an old joke, but there really are people who, when you say “Good morning” to them, basically meet you with a broken-down-wall attitude, “What do you mean by that remark?”     They are badly in need of some soul searching, reflection and repentance.  And then there are others whose wall of self-control and Christ-control keeps out the enemies of anger, envy…oh, the list is long.  Glory souls who daily repent, and daily pray to improve, and daily make people glad they are around.  Right now, as you think of some people, you begin to smile just remembering them....or frown.  
Perhaps you think, dear Lord, what can I do to help people, who are so out of love with life, find more joy in it?  Those with a perpetual sneer. 
How can I help them to give up their own private rain cloud for a sunshine faith that works?  The answer, of course, begins with you and me.
Smiling at the world around us more often than frowning.  Radiating the positive rather than shading everything with a negative, finding a vibrant faith more often than vibrant faults. 
Edgar A. Guest put it so very well when he wrote…
I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day;
I’d rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way.
The eye’s a better pupil and more willing than the ear,
Fine counsel is confusing, but example’s always clear;
And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds,
For to see good put in action is what everybody needs.
I soon can learn to do it if you’ll let me see it done;
I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run.
And the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true,
But I’d rather get my lessons by observing what you do;
For I might misunderstand you and the high advice you give,
But there’s no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.
One good man teaches many, men believe what they behold;
One deed of kindness noticed is worth forty that are told.
       Have you ever wondered how some intelligent individuals can behave in such a manner they actually drives away the very people they want and needs?  How can anyone smart sometimes act so dumb? 
Well, actually it is surprisingly simple.  Psychologists tell us that intelligence isn’t everything we think it’s cracked up to be.  It actually influences only 20% of our decisions - the rest of our actions fall heir to our emotional responses.  Or, let’s put it this way; when we allow a gut-feeling to take over when we know a God-commandment is ready to save us from trouble we certainly aren't being a wisdom person.
Several years ago we saw on television or read about in the news a young man who was sentenced to jail for 30 years for killing his grandparents.
His reason for the deed...he was was angry. 
I don’t know how smart he was but his emotions were certainly off the scale.  
His lawyer argued that he was not to blame, his actions were affected by his medicine. 
But whichever side of the courtroom discussion you agree with, we all know that the commandment, Thou shalt not kill certainly wasn’t shouting at him.
Certainly didn’t have his attention. 
Intellectually he more than likely could understand the words of the commandment, but emotionally they meant absolutely nothing to him.
Speaking of emotions out of control.
Do you hold a grudge for days or weeks or years?  Do you require that everyone in your family dislike everyone you dislike, and the list is long? 
Does everyone feel they have to walk on eggshells when they are in your presence?  Are you an individual who cannot manage your emotions, and part of the reason is because it is just you by yourself trying to manage them? 
I’m not suggesting that you should work at being dead in the water emotionally.  You want to be able to get excited and dance and sing, but you also don’t want to become permanently hyper and out of control.
        Psychiatrists say that anger is the hardest emotion to master.  Few of us need a doctor to tell us that.  Several years ago, some people were advocating that we should let it all hang out.  It was called “Scream Therapy” - that if you didn’t scream on a regular basis you would perpetually steam.  In other words, gain control by losing control. 
The theory, thank goodness, didn’t last.  Certainly there is a better way of doing it, infinitely better than having screaming sessions.  It is called “reframing” or “reinterpreting” what has just happened in a more positive light. 
I’ve been doing this for years, I just didn’t have a name for it.  It made sense to me that if someone gave me a hard time, it was possible that someone had just finished giving them a hard time, or the night before, or they were just having a bad day. 
I concluuded it was a waste of time and common sense to take some aggressive words or actions thrown in my direction personally.  
Yes, some people really are nasty and mean on a regular basis, and they do not like you, along with a host of other people they do not like. 
But they are in the minority and if you run across someone like that, pray that you don’t emulate them. 
And there is no doubt that some people are too smart for their own good.  They take arrogance to new heights, and figure because they have reached great heights of success, anyone below them deserves any rudeness they receive.
Unfortunately, none of us can always be nice anymore than I could always get a hit when I played baseball or score a touchdown every time I ran the ball. 
Nevertheless, if I simply stood tall, dumb and inactive it was a guarantee I would never find success. 
So it is a given that in the world of niceness vs. nastiness, you won’t get any better if you allow yourself to be satisfied with worse.
  I find it hard understand why anyone wants to be described as someone difficult to get along with.  No one should want that reputation. 
But then again, there are some people who are proud of being jerks. Or, as one man put it, “If I wasn’t a jackass I’d have no personality at all.”
Ah  well...and indeed a prayer and more than one for them...for professional jerks can get the message and change...really!
There is a classic story of the artist Michelangelo pushing a gigantic rock down a cobbled street and being asked by someone why he is going to such extremes and effort.  “Because,” answered the great sculptor, “there is an angel inside that rock and I am going to let him out.” 
Don’t ever underestimate your potential because, my dear friends, there is an angel inside of all of us wanting to be let all the way out.
I love the following story...
His father was a horse trainer who was constantly on the move from one race track to the other.  Because of this, the boy’s schooling was always being interrupted.    At one of the many schools in which he found himself, a high school teacher asked his class to write a paper outlining their goals for their life. The young man took to the task with great zeal.
 He wrote of how he wanted some day to own a horse ranch.  He drew pictures of the ranch, its rolling hills, with mile after mile of whitened fences.  He drew the plans for a magnificent home he would build on the highest point of his land. 
Here he would sit on his porch and look down upon it all. 
Finally, he turned in his paper.  When he got it back there was a great big red "F" scrawled across the first page.
Along with the failing grade was a notation from the teacher that he wished to talk with him.
The teacher laid it on the line.
 He told him he had given him an F because what he had written could not be considered goals but an impossible dream for a lad like him. 
“Your father is an immigrant.  You haven’t even had a good education.  You have no money.  How in heavens name do you think you will ever be able to buy horses and breeding stock and pay stud fees?  You haven’t a chance to make what you have written come true.  Rewrite your paper more sensibly and I will consider giving you a better grade.”
The young boy went home and talked with his father who simply replied, “It’s up to you, son, not the teacher.  It’s up to you.” 
The young boy went back to school the next day and as he placed his unchanged paper in the hands of the teacher, he told him, “You keep the F.  I’ll keep my dream.”
Am I...Neil Wyrick... better than once I was?  I don’t make some of my old mistakes anywhere near as often, but the Lord is still working with me on my on-going improvement program.
 And neither one of us is going to give up on me. 
Do you trust God?  Or let me put it this way, can God trust you?
 Can God trust you to put your best foot forward?  To remember and try with all your strength to obey His commandments? 
To stumble because you tripped up but not to lie there, rather get up and try again? 
Just remember this.  If you lie down with dogs you will rise up with fleas said ole Ben Franklin. 
If you rise up daily with Christ by your side, you will rise up a better man or woman because you will feel eternity poking at your soul.





Below is a quote from Rev. Wyrick's 9th book THE SPIRITUAL ABRAHAM LINCOLN.

      It is little wonder that once the war was over, wretched memories fed anger loud and long.  Neither side could be proud of some things that happened during the war or at their many prison camps.  The meanness in some men had multiplied.  They felt their uniforms allowed it.

Andersonville, or Camp Sumter as it was officially known, in southwest Georgia is remembered as one of the worst. 

By the end of the war, it had held 50,000 prisoners on a piece of land no larger than twenty-six acres. 

Some men had called pits in the ground their home.  During its short fourteen-month existence, 13,000 soldiers who had survived in battle died in captivity under the most terrible conditions. 

When the war was over the superintendent was hanged.



       "Positive, powerful utterances...skillfully enhancing our understanding and appreciation of Lincoln while revealing the Divine source of his strength."

       Lt. Colonel C.A. Olsen (Ret.) Asbury College (Professor Ret.)

       "The Spiritual Abraham Lincoln is an extremely well written book that investigates what might be termed the spiritual side of President Lincoln. It's both scholarly and very readable. I came away impressed at Mr. Wyrick's portrayal of the President and with an altered and enlarged vision of the man:'

       William Hoffman, Award winning fiction writer; author of Blood and Guile, and Wild Thorn

       "Wyrick has authored a wonderful examination of the spirituality of one of American history's most devoutly religious leaders...a pleasant and readable book that has a rich depth of information."

              Maynard Pittendreigh Presbyterian minister

        "When it comes to invoking religion in support of any of their decisions, politicians need to sit at the feet of Abraham Lincoln. Reinhold Niebuhr once called him 'America's greatest theologian.' Why so great? Because he invariably distinguished between human works and the works of the Almighty. As Wyrick says, 'He wore the mantle of humility easily: because he was more impressed with what God was doing in the world than with what he, president of the United States in the midst of an awful crisis, was doing. That is why in his last major speech he distinguished between both human causes in the Civil War and the Almighty's 'own purposes.' Lincoln would have agreed that it is better to leave God-talk out of politics than to decorate human proposals with divinity. This is a book for our American time. Through his careful study of Lincoln's career, Wyrick compels us to remember that piety belongs in politics only when piety transcends politics."

       Dr. Donald W. Shriver

       Emeritus professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Author of An Ethic for Enemies: Forgiveness in Politics

        "V. Neil Wyrick's fine work allows the reader to appreciate Abraham Lincoln's Christian commitment and his prophetic role in American history. Should have a wide readership."

       James H. Smylie Professor of Church History (Ret.) Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia

       "Neil Wyrick's The Spiritual Abraham Lincoln should be read by anyone attempting to understand the man who was probably the most complex person to ever hold the office of president of the United States. Dr. Wyrick is intent on demonstrating that the spirituality so often expressed in Lincoln's writings and speeches was not merely lip service to a Deity, but rather expressions of a profound faith in a real God. It was this faith that provided the wisdom, compassion, insight and sometimes steel that Lincoln would need in full measure as he led the United States through the Civil War. Dr. Wyrick's clear and unpretentious style of presentation is very much in keeping with the character ofhis subject, and in so doing, Wyrick makes his point very well that Lincoln, his beliefs, and the faith that formed them, are as relevant to a troubled America in 2004 as they were in 1863."

       Daniel Allen Butler, author of "Unsinkable"; The Full Story of the RMS Titanic, The Lusitania and The Age o f Cunard



      Neil also writes for go60.us to check out his writings...

            CLICK ON  www.go60.us   IT WILL TAKE YOU A NEW WEBSITE FOR SENIORS....

       click on "Voice" on the home page and then on the list of authors click on Neil Wyrick

Recent articles Rev. Wyrick has written for this web site are:  REFLECTIONS

·         Here Comes Summer (July 2012)

·         Spring (May 2012)

·         Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow (April 2012)

·         Wayward and Windy (April 2012)



      Some of the sermon titles posted recently on Wyrick's Writings









       Two stores faced each other across a very busy street.  Their owners were in constant competition with each other.  One day, the owner of one store put out a sign that read – If you want it, we have it!

Almost immediately the other owner put out a sign –If we don’t have it, you don’t need it!





       To Order and Read Neil's 9th book THE SPIRITUAL ABRAHAM LINCOLN

       GO TO amazon.com





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