Thursday, October 3, 2013

FRAGILE EGOS over a carpet?

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In the 19th century Gilbert and Sullivan were the equivalent of today’s rock stars.

The comic operas they wrote captured the music world and audiences all over the world flocked to appreciate their outlandish lyrics and sprightly music.

Among their greatest and best known; H.MS. Pinafore, The Pirates of Penzance and The Mikdao. They served up laughter and philosophy in an entertaining package and had the world in the palm of their hands.

Their talents were unbelievable and they were destined to work together in joyful harmony for the rest of their lives.

However, it was not to be.
Their fragile egos were such that soon they were standing at opposite ends of the stage so they wouldn’t have to see each other.
It all started because one time early in their years they bought a theatre and Sullivan ordered a new carpet which Gilbert thought to expensive.
They grew red in the face. Compromise was out of the question. They took it to court. What the court decision was has long been lost but how they treated each other has not.

When it was over they never spoke again.
Sullivan would write the music and mail it to Gilbert.
Gilbert would piece in the words and mail it back to Sullivan.
They never took or sought the journey of understanding.
Their pride was a demon and it took them down.
They had been friends and they forgot that it is better to lose your pride than to lose a friend because of useless pride.

“For if any person thinks himself to be somebody [too important to condescend to shoulder another's load] when he is nobody [of superiority except in his own estimation], he deceives and deludes and cheats himself” Galatians 6: 3

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