Tuesday, December 31, 2013

ANXIETY, FIGHT IT OR FEED IT (First in new series)

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Remember Erma Bombeck? She wrote a piece one day about a little boy named Donald. I have a feeling he was a composite rather than a real person. 

Nevertheless, getting inside Donald’s head is a good way to emphasize how foolishly we all can capture more uptight bugs than we know what to do with.  
Just before his first day of school six-year old Donald proved he had worrying down pat. 

His thoughts were as follows: My name is Donald. I don’t know anything. I have new underwear, a loose tooth and I didn’t sleep much last night. What if a bell rings and a man yells, “Where do you belong?” and I don’t know? 

What if the trays in the cafeteria are too high for me to reach? What if my loose tooth comes out when we have our heads down and are supposed to be quiet? Am I supposed to bleed quietly? 

What if I splash water on my nametag and my name disappears and no one knows who I am?” 

The pain of anxiety is not inclined to go away without some spiritual and physical helps. 

It is not to say that fear cannot be a friend when it keeps us from walking on glass, ingesting poison or running from a pit bull. 

It is to say that foolish anxiety only runs around wearing holes in our brains, creating ulcers in our stomachs and making any peace we might otherwise have had break up in pieces. 

We all agree that anxiety does exactly what the Greek translation in the New Testament says it does – it strangles the living daylights out of us. It curdles. It crumples. It cripples. We only have so much time and energy and it wastes both. 

And what can we to ease our anxieties even if we can completely rid ourselves of them.

(…another idea to chew on) (A lack of forgiveness can produce an unbelievable amount of anxiety. One's insides get all out of whack. )

Check out your forgiveness list if you have one and if you don’t…start one. 

Keep it full up and in order…unwrap any hurts or hates that have been infecting your psyche and throw them away and erase them from your thoughts and pen on your list “I forgive John…he does seem to work me overtime just doing it but I continue to do it anyway.” Do this and you will have less anxiety because not to do it is to have a disturbed spirit which is the perfect feeding ground for anxieties.

Below is a quote from tomorrow’s blog entitled ANXIETY, FIGHT IT OR FEED IT (Second in new series)

“Have you heard about the man who had a plane to catch at a very early hour and then having set his alarm , sat on the edge of his bed all night long to make sure it went off on time He earned his PhD in anxiety. 

He had worry down to a science. He believed that living one day at a time meant never or seldom sleeping so he would always know what time of day it was.
So then…”


It has already begun. (ON WYRICK’S WRITINGS)

CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING URL below to reach this Wyrick’s Writings site

“Do you enjoy visiting friends? More than likely you’re thinking, Preacher, of course, I do. 

Now let me ask the other side of the coin - Do you enjoy visiting enemies? No?

Well, I know you must enjoy visiting at least one enemy because, like myself, you probably visit this one quite often. Unfortunately, we all …visit this enemy…whose name is anger.

Some visit anger seldom . Some on a regular basis. And during those visits, some spew and others stew.”

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