Friday, April 19, 2013



              Take these two seeds of thought below and turn it into a wisdom tree.


                God is!  And you are.  And inside of each of us are the gifts of God, but also inside of each of us is our own will.  Our own stubborn, selfish, self-centered will which fights for bad habits and old sins. 

       Why would anyone fight the gifts of God?  Because these gifts change lives and sometimes we simply do not want to be changed.

        BELOW IS...YOUR 'ONE A DAY' for Today

These thoughts are added to each day. Scroll down and read previous One A Days.)

(Use in your personal or church newsletters) (365 stories a year)

Serialization of Neil’s Internationally Distributed Novel (Rust On My Soul) (Published by Bridge Press(1985)

starts on his blog Wyrick’s Writings Tuesday April 13th

and continues each Tuesday until finished. Thursday and Sunday will continue to cover a variety of subjects.


This is longer than most of my stories I share but I believe it will be worth the extra time it takes you to read it.

Why do you pray? Why bother? Why not just solve your problems with logic, mathematical calculation or scientific exploration? What is it about this continual talking to God that makes it so important?

Well, let me begin to give an answer by telling you a story that began many years ago, and then we will see where it takes us from there.

Picture, if you will, a little boy of five, leaning against his mother’s knee, her hand resting gently on his head. It has been a long day filled with so much new excitement.

Some things he has learned to do quite well, and others, he wonders if he will ever learn how to do them. He is growing up and it is not easy. Then her gentle voice, the voice of his beloved mother, begins to repeat the prayer he has heard so many times before, “Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed by thy name.”

He repeats it along with her. He is proud that he has learned it, though he does not understand all that he prays. Perhaps one day he will.

Time passes, as time will, and there is not time enough this morning to tell all that happens to him in the next four years, but now he is very sad for he is standing by a grave. His father’s grave. There has been a coronary… quick, unexpected, final.

Tears course down his cheeks and there, in front of everyone, he falls to his knees and without embarrassment prays: “Our Father which art in heaven…” and now the words have new meaning to them. For the first time he really understand what is that he is saying….”Our Father…my Father…oh, my father…”

More years pass and it has not been easy.

They have lost their home and live now in a tiny apartment. His mother leaves early for work and arrives back home late. He is eleven years old, tired and very angry at the world and what it has done to him, and even at his father for dying.

But he falls to his knees as he has been doing all his life, for without prayer he knows he is truly lost. “Hallowed be thy name….” he pauses. How can I be angry with God and pray these words, he thinks. And then he remembers some words that his Sunday School teacher taught him - Christ from the cross saying, “Father forgive them….”

And he sees Christ on the cross and it seems He is speaking directly to him…. “Father, forgive this young man and let him feel thy love and forgiveness for his anger. Bless him and make him strong.” And as the lad repeats the prayer, “Hallowed be thy name…” this time, for the first time, these words have real meaning.

Somehow he has survived.

Played on the high school football team. Earned his diploma. No money for college, so he has joined the army. And a place called Normandy becomes something more than just a place on the map. His best friend, this very day, has fallen as they both charged up the beach. Only a gasp, a strange puzzled look on his face and he was dead… and others are falling, too.

All around him is the horrendous noise of destruction and death, a cacophony of hell.
In the shelter of a wrecked tank, he falls to his knees and prays,”…. Thy kingdom come…. Oh Father, please… thy kingdom come soon, dear Father, please.” And for the first time these words have real meaning.

There are many terrible battles, and when the war is over there is the battle to just survive. Put food on the table for his new bride and then for the children that come one after the other.

And then one day, after all his loyalty and hard work, he is fired. He walks out of the office for the last time into a cold world. It is snowing. The sky is as gray and dark as his mood. And he hates. Hates like he has never hated before. And he knows it is a cancer that will eat him alive if he does not rid himself of it, so in the snow he falls to his knees to pray. But he can’t.

For a year he is filled with bitterness. He hates another human being, his former employer, with such passion he has lost his fellowship with God.

One afternoon, he stands in front of the house where his old boss lives. Sees the mansion, the expensive car, the landscaping…and what he feels in his throat is vile and bitter and uncontrolled.

Again he falls to his knees and he does not care who sees him. He thinks to himself, I will not rise until I can continue with the Lord’s prayer, and mean what I say.

Not until I can get beyond the words I have been unable to say, “Forgive us…” and he stammers, “Forgive us…” but the rest of the prayer sticks in his throat. It seems as if he has been on his knees forever, but in reality it has been a very small piece of time in the midst of eternity. “Forgive us…our debts as we forgive our debtors…”

And it is as if a thousand pounds have been lifted off his soul. So many times, over the years, he has prayed these words, but he has never really understood them, till now.

The last fifteen years have gotten better.

He has a new position of some stability. His salary is not large, but neither is it small. He remembers times that were infinitely worse. And then it happens. A challenge to his honor, to the respect he holds for himself.

A bribe is offered. Subtle, but still obvious. He is high enough up the corporate ladder to make the request come true. No one would know. But he has turned it down. Turned down what would have been enough money to assure his children’s college education, help with rising costs, buy that dream cottage in the mountains.

He could have built himself a monument of excuses and banked a small fortune. But he has not. And strangely, wonderfully, he feels better than he has felt in a long, long time. Again he kneels and prays, “...Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil...” And for the first time he really understands.

Where have all the years gone? Grandfather he is now. No, even more – a great grandfather. And they are all gathered round his bed; children, grandchildren – echoes of his own growing up years. Eight decades and more have taken their toll, but he is not afraid. His body is tired, but his spirit is alive and well. His wife is holding his hands and softly crying.

“Don’t weep, my darling,” he says. “It has been a good life and I but go to a good and gracious Lord.”

And he begins to pray, “Our Father which art in Heaven…” and he thinks, Father, I’m coming I’m coming. “… hallowed by thy name…” For always now, dear Father, for always. “…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” for these left behind may it truly be Thy kingdom come. “Give us this day our daily bread…” You have provided well, Lord. “…Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…” Father, my sins are behind me.

His breathing is more difficult now and he is having trouble finishing the prayer. Someone finishes the last words for him, “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever, amen.” And he smiles and his last breath comes and goes easily. He has prayed this prayer for the last time, but with joy in his heart, he finally, fully understands it all.

The Lord’s Prayer is a wonderful soul-serving, soul-saving prayer. It can change your way of living because when you talk to God, really talk to God, all kind of things can happen. But praying is also dangerous business.

Moses talked with God and ended up having to lead his people out of Egypt.

Saul talked with God and ended up with a monumental name change, for today we know him as Paul. And we know Paul as a spiritual giant.

The man in our story talked with God and one day it all fell in place.

It took a lifetime, but his last earthly words were to God and it was good.

“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16: 11

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And, yes, maybe they will back track a few weeks to read other of my musings.


click on the FOLLOWING URL

to go to Rev. Wyrick's other blog

Wyrick's Writings

            Check out Neil's 2 still available books on    



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"Positive, powerful utterances...skillfully enhancing our understanding and appreciation of Lincoln while revealing the Divine source of his strength."

      Lt. Colonel C.A. Olsen (Ret.) Asbury College (Professor Ret.)


"The Spiritual Abraham Lincoln is an extremely well written book that investigates what might be termed the spiritual side of President Lincoln. It's both scholarly and very readable. I came away impressed at Mr. Wyrick's portrayal of the President and with an altered and enlarged vision of the man:'


      William Hoffman, Award winning fiction writer; author of Blood and Guile, and Wild Thorn


"Wyrick has authored a wonderful examination of the spirituality of one of American history's most devoutly religious leaders...a pleasant and readable book that has a rich depth of information."


      Maynard Pittendreigh Presbyterian minister


       "When it comes to invoking religion in support of any of their decisions, politicians need to sit at the feet of Abraham Lincoln. Reinhold Niebuhr once called him 'America's greatest theologian.' Why so great? Because he invariably distinguished between human works and the works of the Almighty. As Wyrick says, 'He wore the mantle of humility easily: because he was more impressed with what God was doing in the world than with what he, president of the United States in the midst of an awful crisis, was doing. That is why in his last major speech he distinguished between both human causes in the Civil War and the Almighty's 'own purposes.' Lincoln would have agreed that it is better to leave God-talk out of politics than to decorate human proposals with divinity. This is a book for our American time. Through his careful study of Lincoln's career, Wyrick compels us to remember that piety belongs in politics only when piety transcends politics."


      Dr. Donald W. Shriver

      Emeritus professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Author of An Ethic for Enemies: Forgiveness in Politics


       "v. Neil Wyrick's fine work allows the reader to appreciate Abraham Lincoln's Christian commitment and his prophetic role in American history. Should have a wide readership."


      James H. Smylie Professor of Church History (Ret.) Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia


      "Neil Wyrick's The Spiritual Abraham Lincoln should be read by anyone attempting to understand the man who was probably the most complex person to ever hold the office of president of the United States. Dr. Wyrick is intent on demonstrating that the spirituality so often expressed in Lincoln's writings and speeches was not merely lip service to a Deity, but rather expressions of a profound faith in a real God. It was this faith that provided the wisdom, compassion, insight and sometimes steel that Lincoln would need in full measure as he led the United States through the Civil War. Dr. Wyrick's clear and unpretentious style of presentation is very much in keeping with the character ofhis subject, and in so doing, Wyrick makes his point very well that Lincoln, his beliefs, and the faith that formed them, are as relevant to a troubled America in 2004 as they were in 1863."

      Daniel Allen Butler, author of "Unsinkable"; The Full Story of the RMS Titanic, The Lusitania and The Age o f Cunard




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