Saturday, December 10, 2011



          There are over 900 stories and commentaries on this blog that began Nov 24, 2009. It is added to daily.


There was a wealthy European family that decided to have their newborn baby baptized

in their own private mansion chapel.

Dozens of guests were invited to the elaborate affair, and they all arrived dressed to the hilt.

They were wined and dined and entertained lavishly.  

Then it was time for the main purpose of their

gathering: the infant’s baptismal ceremony.

The nanny went upstairs, but soon returned with a desperate look upon her face.

          “I can’t find the baby.” She cried.

 Where could the baby be? No one seemed to know.

 Everyone, the parents, the servants, even the guests frantically began to search through all the rooms.

      Finally one of the maids found him.  He was fast asleep right where he had been “temporarily” laid, but in the rush of arriving guests had been forgotten, and soon covered up under the pile of coats, jackets, and furs.  

     The object of that day’s celebration had not been noticed, and then had been forgotten, neglected, and nearly smothered.

And that is how it is with our Christ.  Christmas comes and goes and if we are not careful our Christ goes unnoticed, forgotten,

neglected; buried under the busy-ness of our days.

Therefore, I challenge you to make every day Christmas Day.

Easier said than done?  Of course…but I challenge you anyway…

Let's put it this way. If, in the next week or so, you find yourself suffering from, what is often called, an after Christmas slump - when all the excitement and happiness of the season has leaked away and left you out-of-sorts, I have a suggestion that is just off beat enough to work.

Remember how up-beat and light-hearted the Christmas carols made you feel?  Well, why not

continue singing them? 

    Why not?  I doubt the angels in heaven stop singing on December 26th.  Fact is, since there are no time limitations in eternity, I think they jus might  keep on singing and praising God forever, which they have been doing forever anyway.

Therefore, try doing the same…No, it won’t make an angel out of you, but it might take a little of the devil out of you.

Sing a Christmas carol tomorrow on December 27th and on the 28th and maybe the 28th of March.  And what would our mind set be like if we were still singing Christmas carols on July 4th?

Why not try it? 

Keep the gift that keeps on giving alive and well because you keep on giving yourself to this eternal truth.

            Perhaps be a little like the boy in the following
story – who in his delightful naiveté, kept the Christmas spirit alive and well.

It was the day after Christmas and the pastor had just noticed that the baby Jesus was missing from the Nativity scene. 

       Then he became aware of a small boy pulling a little red wagon into which he had placed Jesus.

     Walking up to him the pastor asked, “Where did you get that baby Jesus I see in your wagon, little friend?”

“Oh, “replied the lad, “I got him from your nativity scene and I’m going to put him back…but you see, a week before Christmas I prayed to Jesus that I might find a little red wagon under the Christmas tree with my name on it. 

And I told him that if I got it I would give him a ride around the block in it.”

That is what we need to do…give Jesus a ride around the block and down the street and to all the different places we go, showing Him off to a world that so badly needs Him.

            TO WATCH NEIL WYRICK IN HIS ONE MAN DRAMAS (Presented to millions all around the world) (Ben Franiklin, Martin Luther, Charles Wesley and Abraham Lincoln (this Lincoln film takes 11 seconds to download but is worth the wait)


            To order a DVD with all four One Man Dramas (Lincoln, Wesley, Luther, Franklin) send a check of $20 (shipping and handling free) to

            Pageantry Inc., (The church without Walls) 
7430 SW 59th Street
Miami, Florida 33143

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